26 September 2008

Of would be toads and frogs

If he (the one who shall not be named) has his way, he'll be the prime minister by now. Of course, with the help of would be toads and frogs. If this happens, I don't have much to say especially about these toads and the frogs except they are the lowliest form of scum on earth. If they are in an aquarium, they'll be the fish eating the shit of the other fishes. They are unprincipled, self-centered and ....... (fill in the worst expletive that you can think of).

I also pray to the Almighty that the worst misfortunes and disasters will befall on them and their next seven generations. What they are doing goes beyond democratic principles. If they have the guts and balls, step down as elected representatives and let the people choose again.

To conclude, here's a riddle on those would be toads and frogs:

Question: What's the difference between these would be toads and frogs Members of Parliament and a pail of shit?

Answer: The pail.

So, there!
(174 words)

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