16 September 2009

Malaysia Oh Malaysia

One of the things I really feel bad and unhappy about is that when I get to Peninsular Malaysia and people I meet (usually for work) asks, "Bila sampai kat Malaysia?" or "When (did you) arrive in Malaysia?" It makes me feel like I am from another country altogether.

This happened when I went on to study for my whole secondary and part of my tertiary education in Peninsular Malaysia and then went on to work in Sarawak and here in Sabah. It still happens today. The sad thing is that the very people who asked me are generally educated fellow Malaysians, who I believe should have better general knowledge, if not historical knowledge, than your average Malaysians.

For the record, 46 years ago today, a country by name of Malaysia came into being by the federation of British North Borneo (as Sabah was known then), Malaya, Sarawak and Singapore. If this didn't happen, there wouldn't be Malaysia as we know it today.

There's an interesting report by the Malay Mail about Hari Malaysia. Check it out.

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