What a pleasant one too. I didn't expect Malaysia Airlines to serve Satay in economy class. But they did. The satay's not quite the signature dish that you'd get in the business class but its still satay nonetheless. I was impressed. You don't get to eat satay that often at 30,000 feet above sea level unless you travel internationally on business or first class with Malaysia Airlines all the time.
Then there was the tidbit. Usually you'd get a packet of crackers and a small piece of chocolate. This time Malaysia outdid itself by giving away Ferrero Rocher chocolates. Airasia eat your heart out.

MH68 economy class inflight meal

The satay up close
(115 words)
Well Jae,
I believe that actually was initiate for quite sometimes already. I found the news about they serve satay somewhere in local news paper or MH Buletin (internal circulation)
anyway I believe MH still the best, do Air Asia dare to serve satay in economy class, to me I still prefer MAS even though they expensive few ringgit compare to Air Asia.
Pay a bit extra for Excitement and enjoyment plus Malaysian Hospitality can tutup sebelah mata sahaja maaaaa
Yes, I read about it also. It seems MH does not serve on all flights. So, ikut nasib gak. Anyway, satay dlm business class dan economy class sama je, cuma tak dapat minta lebih dalam economy class hehehe.
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