I was born today many years ago. Sometime ago, I got around asking my mother about the time I was born. Well for starters, I was born in the local hospital of my mother's hometown. She said labor wasn't very difficult. My mother came to the hospital around 8am and voila, 2 hours later, I was born. If you check here, you'll know I was born on a Tuesday.
My mother said I wasn't a particularly difficult baby to take care of. Even later, as a young boy, I wasn't a difficult child. According to her, I usually followed what I was told, like to stay in one place or to behave. (Wow, I'm amazed of myself, really.) Anyway, I still could recall being mischievous at times, but there were not so many of these. Kids being kids, I guess.
I usually try to take leave on my birthday. That's not possible today as I've a lot of things to do at work. If I'd taken leave, I'll probably do them at home, anyway. So, what's the point of taking leave, right? It's too bad that I'd to work on my birthday but I'll get through it.
(199 words)
happy birthday Jai, semoga panjang umur murah rezeki, Lele pula di Kuantan da kursus maklumla AGM skrg jhahah sibuk saja....ohh ya pasal rumah baru kami insyallah tidak lama lagi ada news.
by the way today bad day for me, td after site visit di Panasonic Shah Alam kereta Waja buat hal lagi, enda bule start, rupanya fuel pump bikin hal for second time, aku enda bg tau lele dulu, kesian dia.
later la
apa pun semoga kau di kurniakan kesihatan yang baik dan juga kesenangan hidup.
insyallah dan aminn, bahhh apa ko mau ni sempena besday
Thank you for the wishes. Good to hear about the new house. Ya busy betul si kawan kita tu tapi aku ada juga outing dengan dia.
Don't know what I want for Christmas ehh Birthday. Orang kata its the thought that counts.
Belum lagi terpergi KL ni. Sekarang sibuk di pejabat ni. Ok lah, nak sambung kerja. Semalam satu hari produktiviti rendah sebab kerja pada hari lahir - hope my boss is not reading this hehehe. Take care and be good.
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