14 February 2009

I Am A Cat

I was blog-surfing the other day and came across this entry about birthdates and animals. It's just for fun I think. What animal are you?

I checked and I'm a cat. Here's what the entry said about cats (by the way the original entry is in Malay and this is my own translation):

You're loving, loved but sometimes very shy. You enjoy quiet and peaceful surroundings. In life, you like to learn new things and always committed in doing things. In normal situations, you seem calm but when you are challenged, you can easily run amuck. Those under the cat sign are smart dressers. People around you frequently make you their idol in dressing. You are good at socializing but only talk to those you know. You are very careful in choosing friends.

Well, I'm surprised that a lot of what written above is true. Off hand, I can tell you that I am shy, enjoy quiet and peaceful (who wouldn't) and very careful in choosing friends. Perhaps, if you get to know me better, you can tell if what's written above is really true.
(187 words)

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