27 May 2008

Going away again, but not for a vacation

I am supposed to be on leave for an extended time for the next few weeks, but it seems my bosses got other plans for me. Well, if it’s up to me, I’d say no. I need my rest, people! But then again, it’s not up to me and I have to go. I’ve got two places to go to.

First, I’m going to a neighbouring country for a meeting. My employer signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoUs) with another organization in this country, so we are trying to materialize something out of it. It sad that some MoUs signed before have remained as they are, MoUs. They became just a photo opportunity with some big shots and so on.

Secondly, I’m off to another Malaysian state to visit students, who are undergoing their practical training. Students where I teach are required to undergo practical training at the end of their studies. Usually they choose a place near their hometowns, which I don’t mind as long as the organization where the training takes place is relevant to what they studied and has opportunities to absorb these students as employees. That’s why the training is at the end of their studies and not in the middle. Anyway, as always, there’ll be some students not considering these in mind when selecting the organization for practical training.

I just hope there’s no third place to visit anytime soon.
(237 words)

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